Blokkhed Animation

Saturday, 29 August 2009

Chess Set. Cinema 4D. Concept Art. The Queen. Character Design. Gothic. Matthew Chattle.

Well as promised in the last post, I've put the Queen into new colours and I think she looks more regal now. I can't understand how I liked the previous colour, well you live and learn..


Friday, 28 August 2009

Chess Set. Character Design. Gothic. Matthew Chattle.

This is the chess set so far with a completely redesigned Queen, I may still alter the colour of her robes, but she fits in well with the look of the Bishop.


Friday, 21 August 2009

Character Design. The Queen. 3D. Cinema 4D. Concept Art. Creature. Monster. Blokkhed. matthew Chattle.

This is another test of the Queen from the chess set. It's funny but two weeks ago I had never considered designing a chess set, the idea just grew naturally. One idea leads to another, which is fun to do. This character is much more complex than the Bishop, although I want to keep the designs similar or at least related in some way. More to come in the next few days.


Thursday, 20 August 2009

Chess. The Queen. 3D. Cinema 4D. Character Concept. Vinyl Toy. Toys.

Here's a test render of the Queen for the chess set. I'm working on the figure and throne at present so this is a work in progress, no textures as yet but it's quite nice to see the pure sculpture.


Monday, 17 August 2009

Chess. Bishop. 3D. Cinema 4D. Character Concept. Vinyl Toy. Toys.

Keep praying, because the Bishop is here and he's thinking bad thoughts. A very bad creature indeed.


p.s.: I know this is part of a chess set, but it could develop into some sort of story-line, I'll keep thinking about it and see where it takes me.

Friday, 14 August 2009

Chess. Bishop. 3D. Cinema 4D. Character Concept.

Better start praying, because here's The Bishop and he's not very nice, not nice at all. He's part of the monstrous chess set I'm now working on. Who's is the first move?


Thursday, 13 August 2009

Monster. Ugly Design. Character Concept. Cinema 4D. 3D design.

Another view of this ugglyhed. As I said in the last post it looks like a chess piece so I'm working on the rest of the set.


Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Ugly Design. Monster. 3D. Concept Design. Blokkhed. Matthew Chattle. Cinema 4D

This was a quick design, a 3D sketch if you like. I use Cinema 4D and the tools are really intuitive [which sounds like a sales pitch, but I assure you it's true]. I start with a cube and a hypernurbs and start dividing and extruding. This ugglyhed was a two day model and texture job. I quite like him, and I thought he looks a bit like a chess piece, so I may well design the rest of the set. If he was in a chess set I think he would be a pawn, but you never know. I'll post some new views later in the week.
